Dismantling joint

 DISMANTLING JOINT.  A double flanged composite fitting, featuring a telescopic action between a flanged spigot and a flange adaptor, specially designed to provide longitudinal adjustment in flanged pipe systems. Dismantling joints also provide a simple method for the installation and removal of flanged valves, pumps, flow meters and flanged pipework. Tie rods are provided for final anchoring and location and also double as flange jointing bolts reducing the number of these required.  Dismantling Joints in a wide range of sizes & lengths, to standard & customer specifications.

巩义市西村宇鑫管道配件厂是专业生产单法兰松套传力接头双法兰松套传力接头可拆式双法兰松套传力接头Dismantling joint的厂家,并可根据客户要求来函来图自行设计生产各种非标管件。

热销产品:翻边橡胶接头 可曲挠橡胶接头 橡胶异径接头 铸铁伸缩器 热力管道伸缩器 双法兰过滤器 表前伸缩过滤器 双法兰传力接头 可拆式双法兰传力接头 双球体橡胶接头